New To Septic Tanks? 4 Ways To Keep Your Septic Tank Working Properly

8 January 2015
 Categories: , Blog


If you're used to municipal sewer systems, you may be surprised by the maintenance that is required for your new septic system. Unlike sewer systems, your septic tank will need special care to keep it functioning properly. In fact, without that special care, you may be in for some particularly nasty occurrences, such as sewage backing up into your bathtub or foul odors coming up through the drains. Here's how to keep your septic tank working well.

Watch The Water

While your septic tank is designed to hold water, it's not designed to handle large amounts of water at one time. Things like leaking toilets, and heavy rains can inundate your septic tank and lead to problems. It's particularly important that you check your exterior clean-out drains to make sure that they're covered. If the clean-out drain is missing a cover, you should purchase a new one before the next rain comes through.

Limit The Chemicals

Your septic tank relies on bacteria growth to decompose the solid waste. Excessive amounts of antibacterial soaps, drain cleaners, and bleach can kill the good bacteria that your septic tank needs in order to function properly.

Say No To Grease

Grease is the natural enemy of every septic tank. Your tank fills with water, and the solids sink to the bottom of the tank. As the tank fills, the water flows to the second tank, and then on into the drainfield. Grease does not sink to the bottom. It stays floating on the surface of the liquids in your tank. It also sticks to the inside of the drain pipes.

Once enough grease gets into your septic tank, it clogs the inlets and outlets. If that happens, you may start experiencing more clogs. You may also have to deal with raw sewage backing up into your bathtub.

Keep It Clean

If you've never had a septic tank before, you might not realize that you have to have it cleaned out once in a while. For best results, you should have it pumped out and cleaned at least once every three to five years. During the cleaning, the tank should be emptied and then hosed down with a high pressure hose. That will remove any waste that has attached itself to the sides of the tank.

You don't have to be afraid of your new septic tank. With proper care and maintenance, you shouldn't have any problems. Use this simple guide to keep your septic tank in good condition. If you have any concerns, contact a local business like Southern Sanitary Systems Inc.